Monday, March 19, 2012

Name That Tune.

I had such a great Spring Break. I got to do so many fun things, see so many awesome people and I got to sleep. I love to sleep. There have been times in my life when I have experienced terrible insomnia. It isn't fun. In the last several years, I've had no problem at all sleeping, I just can't seem to get enough. On those occasions, such as Spring Break, when I'm free to sleep to my hearts content, I'm a happy girl. However, the vast majority of my days, I must be awakened by artificial means. My OCD emerges when setting my alarm. I check, recheck, and then check again. I'm not prone to oversleeping, I usually wake up a time or two just before my alarm goes off, just to verify that I have not, in fact, overslept. I have found that when I get off my usual school day sleep schedule, I must take drastic measures to get back on track. After time off, it is easier for me to stay up all night, than to sleep for a couple of hours and then try to get up. I use this method two or three times a year, and it ALWAYS works...until this morning. I'm aware that there is always a chance that I might drift off during an all nighter, so I set an alarm just in case. One would be silly not to do so. I'm silly, but I set it anyway. So, alarm set for 4:45am. I was sitting straight up on the couch, when my 21 pound four legged son jumped up on my lap, yelling like there was a fire. I looked at a clock, there are lots to choose from, and it read 5:36. What?!? I grabbed my alarm clock sitting in front of me, thinking that I must have been hitting snooze for almost an hour, but no. I had turned the alarm completely off and gone back to sleep, with no recollection whatsoever. Yikes. I really wish I had a video of the hour that would be entertaining to say the least. It is amazing what can be accomplished in a short amount of time, when it's absolutely necessary. In the rush that ensued, I was a little surprised that my morning song was playing. I am not making this up, for the last several years, whenever I first open my eyes in the morning, there is a song playing in my head. It's a different one each day, but I have had some repeats. They aren't usually popular songs, or ones I've have heard lately either. The tunes come from all genres and varying decades. Some of the songs I love, others, I don't really care for. I have heard Christmas carols in May and The Beach Boys in February. The song always replays in my head until I hear another one, which is usually on my way to school. Sometimes I sing along, sometimes I ignore it...just depends on the song. I don't think they start as dreams, but who knows. I don't even have time to think, "I wonder what's going to play today?", because it already is. I really like it, I feel like its pretty unusual, so it's fun for me. So like I said, in my rush from oversleeping, I wasn't sure it would be playing, but it was. Today's selection? White Wedding by Billy Idol. Go figure.

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