Monday, March 5, 2012

If things happen in 3's, I'm safe, right?

Much to my  chagrin, I have an "anniversary"  of sorts coming up in a few days.  I feel as though I need to begin preparations now, in order to give myself a head start on fate. It began three years ago this coming Friday. It isn't the date itself that is the anniversary, it is simply whatever date the Friday before Spring Break ends up falling on happens to be. It is always an exciting day...the Friday before SB...the anticipation of the coming week off, to relax or travel, or a little bit of both, is quite intoxicating. So on that Friday three years ago, a call to my classroom, only minutes before school was out, came as a total shock and surprise. You see, one of the sweetest human beings on the planet, had accidentally smashed into my almost brand new car. I mean if you think about it, it was raining and to make matters worse, it was Friday the 13th. My car clearly had it coming to it just by being parked in a parking lot. Poor girl, she felt so bad. But it was no big deal, my car spent SB09, in the shop. I got to jet set around in a rental for the week and my little car came back good as new.  I thought that maybe that was a safe way to get the "wreck" out of the way for that car, nobody hurt. Nice. And we rolled right along for a problems. Then came the following Friday before SB. I had to get something signed at the central office for our district, and it needed to be done before we were out the following week. So that afternoon, I drove to Conroe, got the signature required and made my way back south. I was cruising along on the freeway, when suddently I found myself in that slightly scary spot...sandwiched between two 18 wheelers. I was in the middle lane with another truck a bit up ahead of me in my lane. Without warning, something fell off of that truck, and I had nowhere to go in order to avoid demolished the front of my car. It was at that moment, I thought, really? Again? So, in the shop my car went, and in the rental car I went...again. I thought well that is just strange....what are the odds? We'll cut to the chase, because I am positive that all of my friends reading this are smarter than the average bears...let's go to Friday before SB11. The night before I had joked that I was going to ride my bike to school, or if I drove, I would park out on the soccer field away from everyone and that should ensure my cursed car's safety. I bopped down the stairs that morning and as I rounded the far side of the vehicle...the drivers side window, had been broken into. I thought, you have got to be kidding me. I of course took a pic, posted it to facebook, then called the police and my insurance agent. My agent, I would imagine, got there early in anticipation of my yearly call. Turns out, five other cars were broken into as well, and they had caught two guys a couple of streets over. They weren't from around here...and just a little bit slow. I called a friend, was dropped off at school, and by that afternoon, my window was replaced and all was right with the world. Of course, I would still have to be without my car for a bit, to get the window tinted to match the others, no biggie. Later that evening, I went to the grocery store to pick up one item, just one thing. It was about 9:30 pm and the parking lot was virtally empty. When I came out of the store, not ten minutes later, I saw it...a cart was rammed into the side of my door, still attached. It was then, that I lost it. I went back in, demanded that they review the video and find the culprit..I was going  to get my man...or woman!! The video clearly showed the offender. It was...the wind. I started laughing so hard, I am sure that they felf they were in the presence of sheer insanity. At that point, what else can you do? It was funny. Hilarious in fact, but the next morning, perhaps my agent, was not laughing nearly as much as I had. My rental during last year's SB, was awesome. A Charger I think. It went fast, but then again...all my cars do that. I have a heavy foot. I'm hoping my recent weight loss will help with that issue. So...I have just a few days to plan for this year. I have a new car now, I feel that the curse has been lifted. I do, however think that perhaps I will drive my car to an undisclosed location this Thursday night and walk to school Friday morning. I have had a friend to offer a ride, one who said that they would rent me a limo, and in the back of my mind, I thought I might have one who might let all the air out of my tires in the middle of the night...just to keep the streak alive. We shall see. The anticipation is almost too much. My agent has probably called in sick for that day...rightfully so.


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