Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Making lists is on my list.

As I was driving to school this morning, I found that I was happier simply thinking about the fact that the sun was up and shining. It's a lot harder for me to get going when it's still pitch black on the way to work. That made me think, it really doesn't require much to make me smile...just like the saying goes, it's the little things that make the difference. Things, hmm. What are my favorites?  If I was a singer, I might break out in song and start up with Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens...but that really would not be a good idea. If I were Oprah I would state my faves then shout loudly..."Everybody gets a car!! You get a car, you get a car, you get a car!!" all the while pointing to each of you reading this, but alas, I am no Oprah.  I'm just me and these are a few of my favorite "little things" in life. They are certainly in no particular order and I will leave out some of my very favorites, just because I am quickly rattling them off the top of my head....
1. finding the perfect verse in my Bible or devotional book that I was meant to read at that very moment.
2 .thinking that I am out of deodorant, then noticing that I bought the twin pack and there is a brand new one sitting in the cabinet.
3.a text from one of my girls to say hi or telling me something going on with them.
4. quoting from my favorite movies and tv shows.
5. a great hair day.
6. getting my first little blue box.
7. waking up at night and hearing it storming, knowing I have at least a few more hours before I have to get up.
8. being told I smell good.
9. a man who ALWAYS gets out of the car when he comes to pick me up.
10. making someone laugh out loud.
11. finding money in a coat pocket that I had forgotten about.
12. snuggling with my babies.
13. making lists.
14. a good, long stretch.
15. hugs
16. sitting and people watching.
17. approaching a stop light that turns green before I have had to come to a complete stop.
18. turning on the car radio and one of my favorite songs is playing, switching the channel when it's over and it is playing there too.
19. laughing until tears start streaming or I gasp for air.
20. giving people nicknames.
My list is so much longer than this....there are just so many little things that add up to one great big blessed life.

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I'm such a list maker. List makers are smart people, I just know it.
