Monday, April 16, 2012

You ARE becoming your mother!!

There was a time when I knew everything that there was to know... that, of course, was when I was in the 8th grade. Because of my vast knowledge, I found irritation in things here and there, that my mom and dad did "incorrectly",  in their day to day lives. For some reason, I was especially annoyed by something that my parents did all the time. They repeatedly watched the news and weather in a short amount of time. There wasn't 24/7 cable news at that point, no weather channel, but it seemed to me that everyday, they would watch the 5pm local news, 5:30 national news, and THEN the 6pm local news AGAIN. I mean really, did anything change in the last 30 minutes? Did a hurricane develop and threaten the Texas coast in the last half hour? I should think not. They didn't even bother to change the channel, it was the same exact footage! Seriously. And while we are discussing ridiculous parent behavior, why did they want you to make your bed each day? I always thought to myself, why would you make a bed that you are just going to mess up again in a few hours? made no sense to me. Funny thing happened along the way to adulthood...I became remarkably like my parents. Most people say at one point or another, I am NEVER going to do this or that like my parents...but they do, it is almost inevitable. I have been known to watch the weather channel for hours at a time, when no major weather is going on in my neck of the woods, or any other, for that matter. I am, by definition, a news junkie. My "default" channel is a cable news source. I read numerous online news carriers several times a day and have apps that notify me of major breaking news delivered via text message to my cell phone. There are many times when I repeat the 5,5:30,6 pattern that my parents modeled, and on the same station I might add, only I also throw in the 4 o'clock edition as well. I also, without thinking, make my bed each morning. Those are two silly examples, but they are simply to make a point. I have learned that the older I get, the less I know. Life is funny that way. I have also learned with age, that there aren't very many ways that I can come up with, that I wouldn't want to be EXACTLY like my parents. With each passing year, I pray that I become even more like them, than I am right now. So, to all readers with children who seem to know it all...if they appear not to appreciate you now, don't worry, they will...just as soon as they realize that, thankfully, they have become you.

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