Monday, April 9, 2012

I blame the stooges.

I think it's funny when people trip, stumble, fall or the like. I know I shouldn't, but I do. I don't think it's funny if the elderly fall or if someone is hurt badly, but other than that, pretty much everyone is fair game. I can't seem to help it, if I catch a glimpse of someone out of control on their way down, I am going to laugh. I try to show great restraint and make sure that they are okay first, but then, I literally LOL. Now to be fair, there is absolutely nothing funnier than when I eat it. Almost a year ago, I took quite a tumble down some stairs. I mean there was talk that I might require surgery, I couldn't walk without pain for about three was serious. But before it was serious, it was hilarious. I was carrying something large down some stairs outside my home. Plain and simple, I missed a step and careened down nearly two flights, before resting with my legs up in the air and unable to move. For a second I thought it might be bad, then, I was unable to stop laughing...wishing so very much that someone had gotten to witness the whole thing.  I mean I would have paid to see video of the event...I probably would have watched it over and over again. Why? Because I thinking falling is funny. Other people do too, even if they won't admit it. Funniest Home Videos has been on for a long time...because people falling makes you laugh. I am not a frequent faller, but when I do, I do it up right. A couple of months ago, I was walking into Target with a friend. Inexplicably, I just fell down off of my four inch wedges. I could not stop laughing. People walking in at the same time probably assumed that I was drunk. Nope, just lost control over something I have had lots of practice doing...walking. Most people who know me fairly well, know that if they end up on the ground, I will have a field day. It's okay, I warn them, they are expecting it. But where did this come from? It's not very nice. I blame the stooges. All three of them. I watched the Three Stooges every morning before I went to school as a child. With each slap, push, fall and injury, I laughed harder. It was a ritual...The Three Stooges and my favorite breakfast as a kid...wait for it...two slices of peanut butter toast and a piping hot glass of jello. Yep, you read that right, hot jello. Strawberry to be exact. Tasted a bit like hot wassel and I loved it. This Friday a new Three Stooges movie is coming out on the big screen. We have already made plans to see it on opening night. I would imagine that it will be utterly ridiculous, at least that's what I am hoping it will be. I may have to sneak in some peanut butter toast and hot jello to complete the trifecta, they definitely don't offer that at the concession stand. So now that you have read this and if you didn't already know, you are fair game. Walk gingerly in my presence. And for goodness sake, if I can't manage to walk successfully when I am near you...point and guffaw. I will probably beat you to it.

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