Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I'll probably blog every 4 years in honor of Leap Day...yeah right.

So I've decided to try my hand at blogging. If you know me well, you know my days are often times filled with numerous quotes from Seinfeld. So, it seemed appropriate that since I love a show about nothing, that I would author a blog about nothing. Perhaps just a little free writing that may make you laugh, challenge you, or most likely make you sit and just shake your head. I would imagine anyone who might actually take the time to read this, has already grown accustomed to my frequent posts on Facebook. If I have a thought, I most likely will post it. Does that indicate that I crave attention? Probably. I think we all do to some degree, some are just more open to the general public knowing that about them, than are others. I really like knowing what other people are thinking and feeling...that's why I began my Questions of the Night. I think the child/teacher in me loves to play games. That's why I started Where am I? And 20 Questions. I think it's fun. I like to entertain people. That's why I say and write silly things. I like to challenge people and show my weaknesses to them. That's why I share a lot about my faith in God. A dose of Leese isn't for everyone. However, if you want to keep up with my goofiness, and share a slice of my mundane, but oh so blessed on. I'm glad you're here.


  1. Welp, that was a perfect introduction. I didn't expect anything less though :-). <3 Hae

    1. You know I needed your stamp of approval Hae! Thanks!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yessssss. Welcome to the blogosphere Leese! Glad to have you aboard. Your witty random thoughts will be enjoyed by many. :)
    ❤ Erin

    1. Thanks Erin!! I'm looking forward to learning the ins and outs of the blogging world! I may be hitting you up for some advice. :)
